Question about Library Exams for Government Jobs


Question about Library Exams for Government Jobs

1. DRTC, Bangalore 1962

2. Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation 1972

 3. Connemara Public Library 1890

4. Khuda Baksha Oriental Public Library 1891

5. Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune 1917

6. Rampur Raza Library, Uttar Pradesh 1774

7. National Library of India- 1835

8. American Library Association- 1876

9. Association of Special Libraries and Information Beureaux – ASLIB 1926 (Presently Association of Information Management)

10. Special Library Association(SLA) 1909

11 FID 1938

12. UNESCO 1945

13. India Library Association 1933

14. IASLIC 1955

15. RRRLF 1972

16. DDC by Melvil Dewey 1876

17. Expansive Classification by C.A. Cutter- 1879

18. Library of Congress Classification 1902

19. Colon Classification 1933

20. Bibliographic Classification by H. E. Bliss 1935

21. International Classification by F. Rider 1961.

22. Library of Congress Subject Headings 1898

23. Sears List of Subject Headings (SLSH) 1923

24. AACR first published 1908

25. MARC 1966

26. AACR-I 1967

27. CCF 1972

28. ISBD 1974

29. UNIMARC 1977

30. AACR-II 1978

31. Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC) 1967

32. Joint Academic Network (JANET) - 1980

33. NICNET 1977

34. CALIBNET 1986

35. INFLIBNET 1988

36. DELNET 1992

37. ADINET 1993

38. MALIBNET 1993

39. UGC INFONET 2002

40. UNISIST Programme 1971 

41. CDS/ISIS 1985 

42. SOUL 2000 


44. DSPACE 2002 

45. KOHA 2000 

46. NEWGENLIB 2007 

47. EPRINTS 2000 

48. PRECIS-Derek Austin 1974 

49. POPSI- G. Bhattacharya 1964 

50. Science Citation Index 1974

51. Social Science Citation Index 1973 

52. Arts & Humanities Citation Index 1978 

58. Punjab Library Association, 1929 

59. Delhi Library Association, 1953

60. Madhya Bharat Library Association, 1957

61. Rajasthan Library Association, 1962

Library Legislation in Indian States 

62. Kolhapur – 1945 and Hyderabad - 1955 (India) non-functional Library Legislation in India (Statewise) 

63.  Tamil Nadu – 1948 (Govt. Fund & Library cess)

64.  Andhra Pradesh – 1960 (Govt. Fund & Library cess)

65.  Karnataka – 1965 (Govt. Fund & Library cess)

66.  Maharashtra – 1967 (Govt. Fund & Library cess)

67.  West Bengal – 1979 (No Library cess)

68.  Manipur – 1988 (No Library cess)

69.  Kerala – 1989 (No Library cess)

70.  Haryana – 1989 (No Library cess)

71.  Mizoram – 1993

72.  Goa – 1993 (No Library cess)

73.  Gujarat – 2000

74.  Orissa (Odisha) – 2001

75.  Uttarakhand – 2005

76.  U.P. –2005/2006

77.  Rajasthan – 2006

78.  Pondicherry – 2007/2008 (No Library cess)

79.   Lakshadweep – 2007

80.  Bihar – 2007/2008 

81.  Chhattisgarh- 2007/2009

82.  Arunachal Pradesh - 2009 

Library Association & Institution 

81.  LC – 1800 <HQ: Washington>

82.  ALA – 1876 <HQ: Chicago>

83.  LA (CILIP) – 1877 <HQ: London>

84.  ASLIB – 1924 <HQ: London>

85.  IFLA – 1927 <HQ: Geneva><’LIBRI’ 1953>

86.  ILA – 1933

87.  FID – 1938 <H.Q. The Hague, Netherlands>

88.  INSDOC – 1952 (Presently NISCAIR 2002) <HQ: New Delhi>

89.  IASLIC – 1955 <HQ: Kolkata>

90.  DRTC – 1962 <HQ: Bengaluru>

91.  DESIDOC – 1970 <HQ: New Delhi>

92.  OCLC - 1967

93.  ICSSR – 1968 <HQ: New Delhi>

94.  INIS – 1970 <Apr>

95.  IATLIS - 1970

96.  UNISIST – 1970-71

97.  NASSDOC – 1969

98.  AGRIS – 1974

99.  NISSAT – 1975 <Fully started 1977>

100.  RLIN – 1974 <adopted by Standford Univ.>

101.  NICNET - 1977 159. 

102.  NIC – 1976 <HQ: New Delhi>

103.  ERNET – 1986 162. 

104.  CALIBNET-1986

105.  DELNET – 1988 <HQ: Delhi>

106.  INFLIBNET – 1989 <HQ: Ahmedabad> (1988?)

107.  ADINET – 1993

108.  MALIBNET – 1993

109.  UGC INFONET – 2002 172.  HELINET – 2003

Various Committees and Commissions 

(i)                Hunter Commission (1882)

(ii)             Indian University Commission (1902)

(iii)           Saddler Commission (1917)

(iv)           Radhakrishnan Committee (1948)

(v)             Secondary Education Commission (1953) – Dr. Lakshmana Swamy Mudaliar

(vi)           University Grants Commission (1953)

(vii)        Ranganathan  Committee  (1957)–  Dr.  S.R.Ranganathan (Chairman)

(viii)      Advisory Committee (1958) – Dr. K.P.Sinha (Chairman)

(ix)           Review   Committee   on   Library   Science   (1961)   -   Dr. S.R.Ranganathan (Chairman)

(x)             Kothari Commission (1964) - D.S.Kothari (Chairman)

(xi)           Mehrotra Committee (1983) – R.C.Mehrotra (Chairman)

(xii)        New Educational Policy (1986) – Prof. D.P.Chattopadhyay (Chairman)

(xiii)      Committee on setting up of National Network in University Libraries (1988)– Prof. Yash Pal (Chairman)

(xiv)      Curriculum Development Committee in LIS (1990-93): Prof. P.N.Kaula, Prof. S.G.Mahajan, Prof. A.K.Anand, Dr. P.K.Mahapatra

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